Susan Koblin Schear, President
Susan Koblin Schear, founded ARTISIN, LLC in 1995 to offer comprehensive business development services to the arts and cultural sectors, both public and private.
Schear is a passionate and unrelenting advocate for the arts ensuring the arts are always at the table to address voids in diversity, equity, access, and inclusion; support and advance expressed needs and challenges of arts organizations, artists, creatives, and small businesses; improve the arts ecosystem; and reinforce a cross-sector approach to arts inclusion in civic engagement. She is a dynamic, resourceful, entrepreneur with a strong business acumen.
Her values are steeped in the arts, business and community. She draws on her many years of corporate experience when consulting with arts and cultural organizations, and artists, as she believes they should be leaders within their communities and strategically connect to other sectors. She advocates that mutually beneficial outcomes are realized when encouraging collaboration between arts, business, and other sectors, and brings this passion to her work within diverse, continually evolving and changing communities.
Most recently, Schear served as Deputy Director of Newark Arts, formerly the Newark Arts Council (NAC). During her tenure, she was responsible for the planning, management, completion, and public announcement of Newark Creates, an 18-month, cross-sector, inclusive, community cultural plan, conducted on behalf of the Mayor’s office. She also developed and launched a collaborative earned-income program where artists and arts organizations were hired to work on community projects; expanded the annual ArtStart mini regranting program for locally-based artists and organizations; developed financial and operational reports for Board meetings; and focused on leadership pipeline development for her team and interns to further their personal and professional growth.
Schear has spearheaded strategic planning, marketing planning, membership development and implementation, and community cultural plans for organizations of various sizes and types, and developed meaningful and sustained collaborations for her clients with other sectors. She has conducted board retreats, focus groups and town hall meetings as well as workshops and coaching opportunities for artists, creative entrepreneurs, people with hybrid careers, and arts and cultural organizations.
Schear received an award from ArtPride NJ for her disaster relief efforts after Superstorm Sandy. She is a fellow of Lead NJ and was honored as one of the Best Fifty Women in Business by NJBIZ.
For 14 years, Schear was a visiting assistant professor at Pratt Institute’s Graduate Arts and Cultural Management Program where she was also a thesis advisor. She serves on the Board of Craft in America and is a former trustee of several arts-focused organizations. She also serves on the Program and Services Committee for ArtPride NJ, the Data Arts committee, the Newark Museum Business and Community Council, and the WBGO Community Advisory Board.
Feature: A Conversation with Susan Schear